Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Martial arts

Hi! Today, I’m going to talk about one of my passions: the martial arts.
Since I was a child, I’m a big admirer of the martial arts in all its ways. Some people say that certain kind is better than other but I have the highest regard for every manifestation. I can remember how my father used to teach karate to my sister and me when I was 4 or 5. He was who passed on me his enthusiasm for this, I think... and I`m very grateful to him. My heroes always have been Bruce Lee and Jet Lee, both famous martial artists. I’ve seen all their movies, I swear.
When I was 12 I started to practice Tae Kwon Do, a korean martial art in a serious way. When you practice a martial art you realize it’s more than a sport. Martial arts are as a philosophy of life. Martial arts introduce me to values such as perseverance, tolerance and self control. Before I played many disciplines and I never was constant because I to become disheartened quickly.  In turn, I`ve practiced TKD for years and let’s carry on. I’ m still enthusiastic as ever.
Many people seem to be prejudiced against these disciplines.   Some people say that they are violent too competitive. I think that is debatable and unfair.  These people should give it a chance because it’s a beautiful discipline.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hi! Today, I’m going to talk  you about a lovely picture. It is a famous picture too at least in my neighbour. Probably you are deeply interested and moved with the charm of this feline face.  Well, the model in the photograph is Lisandro. He is like a son for my parents and so, when I wanted to select a photo for the post I found only photos of the cat!. Despite of this my family is very normal, I swear. I like this photo because it shows his unequalled beauty and subtle haughtiness, I think. He is mysterious and he’s not interested in anything. He’s very nice.  My sister took this portrait a few months ago, when this splendid cat was still a good boy.  We found alone in the streets and We decided to take with us.  Anyway, when that guy was lost on January, we used it to look for him.  I can remember how awful was those day. My sister and I scoured the whole neighbourhood looking for him. After this, we shouted his name for hours like insane persons and streets was plastered with this photograph.  I suspect that our neighbours hate us because this dynamic usually happens, I must to say it. We never thought that this photo would help us to find him. Finally, our friend turned up and we were a happy and complete family again.

Friday, May 13, 2011

“No future without education”

“No future without education” was one of the slogans of yesterday. On  Thrusday May 12 took place a demonstration by the  college students. Students organized a strike and a national demonstration for  the recovery of public education. Their demands can be summarized in three claims: increase public funding  in higher education, equal access for all and democratization of higher education intitutions. Their demands are ours too. Many of us feel represented since we need to resort to  eternal debt in order to study. It's a shame you have to sell your soul to the devil for a chance to study in this country... so, I joined this cause and I went to the march yesterday. The route of the march was from Plaza Italia to Parque Almagro, where took place a political-cultural act. I must say with satisfaction that the number of people attending the march exceeded all expectations, I think.  I really hope this has not been in vain. Since Lavin and education ministry have been incompetent in solving those problems, Piñera ideally should say something about in his speech of May 21. I hope that at least this time he not plays the role of clown...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Web Quest

Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about an activity we did the last English class. This week the individual activity of laboratory was a “web quest”, a learning strategy based on internet resources through links to websites about places to visit. The task consisted in looking for information on line to fill a table with required information about attractive places in London regarding its localization or prizes. So, it’s a search with a clear purpose in mind, a defined topic, takes place in a bounded time, so It was a little stressful. The use of this dynamic educational tool is highly recommended because it allows to develop abilities like selection and organization of information, discriminating relevant data set from the data that are secondary to the search, mainly. Finally it’s a valuable tool for differentiating instruction. The dynamic activity is very useful  like exercise poses a cognitive challenge, I think.