Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Green tendency

Well, I’m not a person extremely awkward with the environmental problem. I mean,  it isn’t a constant concern in my life but I think is possible does something about it. So  I try to contribute to protection of environment with small actions.  There are a lot of daily practices to contribute to reduce polution and excessive exploitation of natural resources.  For example, I use cloth bags for supermarket purchases. I also opt for alternative transportation such as cycling. I  reduce energy consumption by unplugging appliances not in use or turning off the light when I don't use it. Finally, I  reduce the consumption of water  with a shorter shower.
 According to ecological discourse people must incorporate 3 concepts: reuse, recycle and reduce. If you reuse or recycle items you contribute to drop the volume of rubbish. And if you reduce your consumption of water or energy with minimal sacrifices you can do a significant difference too. Some people recycle inorganic materials such as paper, glass, cans, carton, plastic, etc.  Well, it sounds good but I don`t know how useful is it.  It`s really difficult to generate a positive attitude about this matter when the means for action are scarce. Recycle is useless if  for example there are so few recycling plants...
It`s true that people can help to improve this situation but it isn`t completely responsibility of individuals. In Chile public promotion of recycling has sometimes been associated with attendance campaigns such as “Coaniquem” or “Un techo para Chile”. Also we have seen some advertising campaigns but I think there is lack of information. People need more formal divulgation for to raise environmental awareness. We don’t need campaigns; we need a permanent and effective political about this matter.  And, we need generate awareness but we need the material conditions  for generate changes too.

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